Monday, November 2, 2009


DID YOU SEE THE SAUROPOD GALLERY?!?!?!? IT HAD MY DIPLODOCUS IN IT!?!?!?! I LOVE PALEO ART!!!!!!?!?!!? I SHOOD PROBITY STOP TYPING ALL CAPS!!! ok! im calm! caaallllmmm..... next year I'm going to draw a Paleo environment! but thay probity wont except a drawing of Protos.... so i will have to do another environments... I'm thinking ether Gobi, Drumheller, hell creek, Utah's national dinosaur monument, Patagonia, or Kansas.... hmm? Hay maybe i can draw all of them and you can vote on which one i shod use for Art evolved! Good? yes!

my art ( well only one is my are. see if you can find mine!)at Art Evolved
info about next capsule.

See you later!


  1. the crew at ART Evolved are saying no to the alternate evolution idea... for now... though they think it is a great idea, but for another time.

    we'd love to see any or all your drawings for Gobi, Drumheller, hell creek, Utah's national dinosaur monument, Patagonia, or Kansas though ;)

  2. I have seen your Diplodocus and I must say it's really good! You should be proud of yourself!

    And, I will try again for next year's gallery! :) I'd love to yours as well, Bruce!! Although, I'm sorry about Protos, though I'm sure you'll churn out something good out of that creative head of yours. :)

  3. first' at lest i got my Diploticus on ther, and second, it isint a "alternate evolution" its all the nimals from the cambrien to the KT event living on one continant. ore of a sci fi paleo fantisy with lots of paleontolagy and puddin.... DINOTOPIA! or somthing

  4. I like your drawing too! Lots of energy and interesting color scheme.
